ABC's of Therapy
And now for something completely different...
A is for attachment
B is for breath
C is for contact
D is for depth
E is for empathy
F is for feeling
G is for growth
H is for healing
I is for interiority, intuition, integration
J is for jokes-- just take a vacation!
K is for knowing and kidself and kind
L is for listening
M is for mind
N is for needs, nonverbal and now
O is for opening
P is for pow---er of presence of patterns and persistence
Q is for questions
R is for resistance. And relationship, resonance, rupture and repair
S is for sensing and safety and share
T is for trauma. T is for tracking
U is for universalizing, undoing, unpacking
V is for vision and vulnerability too
W is for witnessing and What comes up for you?
X is for excavation and explanation (I guess). X is for expression
Y is for yes
Z is for zip and zap and zoom, and zealously embracing whatever is in the room.